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     I do a lot of research, so by default I come across a lot of websites covering a wide-range of topics…because of this I often crawl through countless, seemingly unrelated websites and find points of interest that when taken by themselves seem harmless if not good but when taken in light of other, seemingly unrelated events, prove sinister.

     Law enforcement on all levels employ a simple concept referred to as ‘mosaic’ during large-scale investigations. Using: pictures, names, pieces of relevant information and the like, combined like an oversized wall puzzle—they are able to link numerous items of seemingly unrelated data creating one coherent thought. Subject A, who was confronted while taking photographs of building SIMULATION (SIM) is also a known accomplice of Subject B. Subject B works for business SIM, that is owned by Subject C and happens to be a key political and or religious leader in the local community and also happens to be under investigation for SIM and is known to send large amounts of cash to said organization at said location. The links could and would continue to grow until at some point when the investigative entity decides that it has gathered enough information for a conviction or they’ve ‘reached the top’ of the pyramid, thus stalling they’re investigation. Either way, it’s this simple time honored and proven technique that’s employed by any officer, agency, or investigator world wide today on some level or another. Current technologies use computers to compile statistical data in much the same way. When an investigator does this for an investigative agency…this is called detective work, but when anyone else in the civilian population does the same thing , they are called crazy conspiracy theorist’s…especially when their investigation sheds unfavorable light on political corruption or big business. Why is this? What ever happened to the Woodward and Bernstein’s or Erin Brockavich’s of the world and why is it that her breasts are the only thing that America can remember about all three of those names? Does anyone even remember who Woodward and Bernstein were anymore? I mean without Google . (Rhetorical)

     D.O.T.S. was founded on the principles of linking people from all faiths and walks of life not to ‘unify’ nor to argue, but instead to use their individual gifts, knowledge, and wisdom—combined with others and with the goal of not giving up their ideals nor convincing others of their beliefs but rather seeking Ultimate Truth. Look…it was said best like this, “Two heads are better than one.” So, I figure that with the power of the internet, we got a lot of  heads to put together right? We don’t have to agree with each other to pursue the same goals. Any-way’s, this is my first ‘report’ I guess you could call it, linking several points of interest into what I believe is one coherent warning to us. At least for those of us here in the continental United States, so without further babble, here it is…

     EXIBIT A: While researching free homestead land, the closest thing I found to truly free land was in Marquette, Kansas. Seems they will provide you with a ‘lot’ on the terms that you sign an agreement with a local building contractor to have a home built, within certain terms; within a year of the agreement. Although I can’t recall when I came across the website, it has a © date of 2008.

     EXIBIT B: Around this same time I was researching the job market to point out locations where I should focus my search. While doing so I came across Latoya Egwuekwe and her work “Geography of a Recession”. Please note where the highest concentration of jobs are located during the last three years.

The data is current up to February of 2011.

     EXIBIT C: 10.15.2010 Jessie Ventura: Conspiracy Theory E.2.1 “Plume Island”—With the release of his second season’s first episode shocker, Jessie reveals how America’s number one bio-laboratory now located on an isolated island, offshore Long Island, NY; is being moved to of all places the heart of America’s cattle country in Manhattan, Kansas. Slated for ground breaking in 2012; by completion in 2018 it is estimated to cost $650 million.

Full Episode Season 2 Episode 1: “Plume Island”

EXIBIT D: 4.28.2011 ‘National Terror Alert’ posted on their Facebook page that— “Kansas Senator warns agro-terrorism attack likely

EXIBIT E: 5.16.2011 posts an article in their ‘Emergency Preparedness & Response’ section entitled “Social Media: Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse” by Ali S. Khan. Although written as satire, I find the trend disturbing.

EXIBIT F: 2009-Present -The rash of sudden “Superbugs” since the H1N1 attack of 2009…that is unless you want to include such events as the Anthrax attacks of 2001, & numerous other similar events perpetrated by governments on their own people all throughout history.

SYNOPSIS: In light of the above information, it is the opinion of this researcher that the United States in particular is at risk of a Government Created bio-attack perpetrated on its own people. While in depth research proves that countless governments throughout the ages have used various forms of biological attack on their own citizens, and current trends prove there is a world-wide effort to biologically reduce the population; the United States in particular has had more than its fair share of events in its short 235 year history as a nation. Since the erection of the Georgia Guide Stones in March of 1980 their has been an increased effort to biologically and physiologically attack the human genome on a cellular level. Between the food, water, air, and vaccines we are under constant attack from a plethora of invisible killers. That generalization however is not my point…America’s impending danger is.

     There seems to be a concerted effort to push the majority of the continental population inland, towards the central United States, from Kansas Northward in particular. Between offering free land, employment, & perceived social and climate stability/security; the heartland of America has never looked so sexy. Consequently, countless people are being herded towards America’s soon to be crown jewel of bio-labs. What’s further disturbing is the report that the new lab will enable the Government to openly study diseases that can cross from animals to humans or visa-versa; something they are currently legally prohibited from doing out on their tiny little island. “Strange…tiny, isolated island, ‘no’; but heartland of America’s cattle country, ‘yes’…makes perfect sense to me.” When taking all things into account, the slated 2018 completion date doesn’t bring much comfort. At the best, in my opinion we wouldn’t last too far past the ‘grand opening’ before an accidental outbreak decimated our population. If however, other researchers are correct and world trends are any indication….we may not even have that long.

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